Grow What's Good

MycoRising is on a mission to help build a community of empowered cultivators generating heart-felt access through close connection and relationship. We offer online and in-person community and consciousness building events.

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Welcome to Psilocybin: An Easy Guide to Growing and Experiencing the Potential of Magic Mushrooms

Now Available For Pre-Order

The Beginning of A New Journey

Join Author, Educator and Community Organizer Seth Warner for what might be the most well rounded welcome mat for new-comers to the psychedelic space with an interest in cultivating an intentional relationship to psilocybin and the magic mushrooms that produce it.

This easy-to-use text is a thorough guide to the world of psilocybin. From sourcing spores to psychedelic safety, 
Welcome to Psilocybin is an incredibly useful introductory mushroom resource.

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Self-Paced Online Course 


Kickstart your cultivation today! This is a beginners guide to the most accessible method of growing your own mushrooms, in the comfort of your own home. 

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Kit's Now Available

If you have taken a class with MycoRising before or already know what you are doing, this kit can provide the perfect blueprint to begin or continue your journey into cultivation.

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Let's Grow!

Hey there! My name is Seth and I have been teaching people to grow their own psychedelic mushrooms since 2019 when I was able to help decriminalize psilocybin in Oakland, CA. I am so excited to help build a community of empowered cultivators generating heart-felt access through close connection and relationship.



Community Partners

Microdosing Institute